No one likes to see their website devoid of visitors. If your business has Google Analytics set up and you’re still not seeing very high numbers, it can be disheartening to see them in black and white, clear as day.

We know how that feels, and…it sucks. There’s no simpler way to say it. The worst thing is, it’s not always clear why this happens. You may be doing everything right—publishing content on your blog, sharing to social media, even posting when you have a minute or two. You genuinely care about your audience, and you’re not one of those spammy people who post irrelevant sales pitches every minute of every hour.

Yet, it seems like no one cares even still. You may be wondering “What the heck am I doing wrong?” Funnily enough, the answer may be ‘a lot’. The good news is, most of the obstacles in your way can be avoided once a little light has been shed on them. You may even be surprised at the ones you’re making right now. So, even though it’s difficult to determine why, it’s good to at least try to look at the different reasons no one may be visiting your website.

1: Something’s amiss with Google Analytics

Do you have Google Analytics installed on your website? If you do, there could be a problem with its code; you may have put it in the wrong place on your website to track your traffic, or someone who’s not a professional set it up for you. If you don’t have Google Analytics period, then of course you’re not seeing any traffic at all! Google Analytics is a must-have tool for your website if you’re concerned about how well your site is performing every month.

2: You’re offering nothing of value

Sure, anyone can pitch their services online and even have a website. What else are you doing to promote your site though? Face it, if you’re not blogging, recording videos, etc. then you’re offering nothing of value to your audience, loyal or otherwise. Engagement, relevant content, and contribution to a community conversation online are all good ways to improve your business’s credibility and they make for good white hat SEO strategies too.

3: Your site is too out of date

Tell me if any of these things sound like what’s going on with your website right now:

  • It takes over 8 seconds for a web page to load
  • You have no social media links on the home page
  • The host for your site is still Angelfire or Geocities
  • The copyright date hasn’t been changed since the 2000s
  • Your logo hasn’t been changed in over 10 years—neither has your website

These are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a website that’s so out of date, people don’t want to interact with it. When they click away from a page on your site, this is what creates a high bounce rate (we have a blog post that talks about this, if you’re confused). You don’t want a high bounce rate on your website. If any of these aspects sound like what’s on your business’s website currently, it’s time to get a new one built by V3.

4: Search engines aren’t ranking you—not on desktop or mobile

The way search engines rank a website is they crawl and index them—i.e. they use bots to investigate your website’s code and then determine the level of quality of your site’s content and optimization. If your site’s brand new, then search engines may not have gotten around to crawling your website quite yet (this takes time).

If, however, your business website’s has been established for a long time and it still hasn’t been crawled, there may be a few reasons. One is you’ve blocked your site or sections of it from search engine bots with the robots.txt file. Another could be that a piece of code on your website has been misplaced. To figure out what the search engines are finding and what they aren’t, you take a look at Google Search Console for some insights.

Another reason traffic may be low or non-existent is because it’s not ranking well on mobile devices. A mobile-friendly and responsive website is more likely to drive in traffic since it’s being accessed by more than on desktop computers. If your site is too slow to load on mobile, or it won’t run properly, then search engines are less likely to rank it high on mobile—which can explain why traffic is so low.

5: You’re publishing too much content…or you’re not promoting it

Yes, content is king—that is still relevant. However, there is a big difference between quality of content and the quantity of it. The fact of the matter is, before blogging became such a relevant strategy, everyone was posting everything from 100-word articles to link-ridden ones. Nowadays, you may have a blog, but so too does everyone else in Canada. That’s a lot of content for people to read! Never mind the fact that some of your competitors are Wikipedia, WikiHow (a branch of Wikipedia), and even the major social media sites like Facebook.

Ranking on Google is a good goal to have, but if your site is suffering for it, then you’re doing something wrong content-wise. It could be you’re not targeting the right keywords, or your content is so jargon-filled even you can’t stand reading them. It could be you’ve lost focus on who your audience is, and you need to rethink your current strategy. All of these are likely reasons, but at the end of the day, if your blog and social media is responsible for earning your site’s traffic and turning people into customers, then abandon your current strategy of posting so much so often. It’s okay to let people breathe!

Creating content but then not promoting it is another valid reason your blog isn’t earning any traffic. You don’t have to be a complete social butterfly to promote your blog on social media. However, they’re still worth your while in that they can direct traffic towards your website—especially if that’s where you’re posting your best content.

If any of these sound like the reason no one’s visiting your website, then it’s about time you got this fixed. Getting help from a professional team may be what your business needs right now. Give us a call and let’s find out together how best to improve your website and get the traffic you should be getting day in and day out!