Business cards may be considered a traditional marketing strategy since online marketing is so prevalent now. However, you’re not expected to carry around a laptop when you’re attending a convention or event (unless you really want to). This is why business cards remain as an effective marketing tool. They’re easy to give out and share with would-be customers, especially if they’re pressed for time.

If your business is brand new or you’re looking to rebrand and update your current business card, you may be wondering: what should really go on it? Since print design is one of our main services, we may be able to help you decide. Let’s go over what your business card really needs together.

1: A logo you’re proud of

Having a logo on your business card will give your receivers a more visual idea of what your business is and what it represents. Colours matter a lot, so you want your logo to stand out and be as unique as you and your business (for more info on picking your colours of choice, you can check our blog post on the various meanings of each colour).

Your logo on the business card should be designed so that it fits various formats and sizes. It should be a logo that makes you proud to hand out your business card and eager to form new relationships in your industry. The opposite would obviously be less than desirable!

2: A good background colour scheme

One thing you shouldn’t have on your business card is a background that blends in with the text and logo. Again, colour choices matter, and there’s a good reason why the light coloured card with darker text is a classic choice. Studies conducted on inverted colour schemes reveal that people have an easier time reading dark text on a light background than vice versa, as it creates less eye strain.

That being said, sometimes a dark background with light coloured text would be more appropriate; it depends on both your logo and brand (which are very different from one another; seriously, don’t mix the two up!).

3: Your name and a solid title

By solid title we’re referring to a job position that makes you unique, rather than simply saying “CEO” or “President”. Are you a videographer or photographer? Do you edit for a newspaper or a magazine? Do you consult in fashion or interior design? Sure, you’re a graphic designer, but for what, exactly?

Do you see what we mean by ‘a solid title’? Your business card is your chance to help network to not only a lot of people, but also the right people who need your help. If you give out a business card that only has a logo but no name or unique title, consider the cards as good as wasted because no one can remember you!

4: Contact information

“Well, duh,” you’re probably thinking. You would be amazed at how many people don’t include the right information though, or the way it is presented on a business card.

One big mistake is trying to cram all of the contact information into the small space. This could result in some terrible design! If you need to redesign a new business card, try to approach it like an editor. What kind of means do you really want to be contacted by? Do you have a brick-and-mortar location where you can be found, or do you travel to where your clients need you? Which social media outlets do you really want people to use if they need you? You need to answer these questions before giving the OK on a new design.

5: Content

By content we mean not only contact information but also a touch more detail you can provide to would-be clients. Do your services extend beyond face value?

Some companies’ business cards stand out more because they use the white space on the back of the cards and go more in-depth about how they can help you. That being said, the list of services you want to offer should be short. Too many, and the card will appear as cluttered. Too few, and the card receiver won’t have any idea what you can offer them.

What Should NOT Go on Your Business Cards

  • A QR code. Trust us, it won’t make you seem ‘in with the times’ as you may think! Receivers are not going to be interested in scanning the code with their phone to learn who you are. Why do that when they can just search for your website on their phone?
  • Multiple websites. You should only list the one website. You are better off with listing just the one where people can access the rest of your information as opposed to multiples and confusing them.
  • Every single piece of contact information. There may not be enough space! Focus on the essentials instead: your phone number, your e-mail address, your website, and your most valuable social media profiles.
  • A full address. Unless you have a solid brick-and-mortar location and space, a city and province may suffice. The usual, full address you can find online may interfere with the card’s design.

There you have it: a more solid idea of what to include on your business cards. If you are still not sure how you want to design your card, or you’re shopping around for a quote, give us a call at V3 Media. If you’d rather have a chat in real-time, feel free to consult with us one-on-one. We can help make sure your business card is something you’re proud of and not thrown away at first glance!