Having a blog is something we highly recommend having at V3 Media. After all, content is king! We hear the phrase a lot in our industry, and it’s true. Every day, someone out there is creating and publishing content on their website that is meaningful, engaging, informative, and helpful. Websites like Social Media Examiner and Hubspot are always updating their website with their thumb on the pulse of their industries, dedicating their careers to being experts on providing information via their blogs that even we can’t help but admire.

Yet with all the blogs out there by people who have something good to say, it’s amazing how the same mistakes can crop up over time and turn a perfectly good website blog into a steaming hot mess. If you’re making any of these mistakes with your own company’s blog, it’s time to really take a step back and look at how to clean up the mess.

Mistake 1: Inconsistent scheduling

We get it: it’s hard to run a business. No one ever said it was easy to do what you do every day for a living, whether it’s sending your employees out on a service run or you’re self-employed and need to meet a deadline that’s coming up fast. Unfortunately, it’s because you’re probably so busy with your company that your blog’s schedule is so haphazard. If one blog post was published on the first day of the month and then nothing was published until half a year later, odds are high that your content isn’t going to be noticed very well either by humans or search engines. The best company blogs we’ve seen have consistent, regularly updated content that is published daily or weekly, with a strong curation plan that they stick to whenever they’re sharing that content. If this inconsistency sounds like what’s happening to your blog, it’s high time to address that issue and come up with a plan.

Mistake 2: Lacking in engagement with visitors

It’s one thing to have a blog that’s full of content, but another matter entirely if there is no engagement with its visitors. Are you just blasting information out onto the Internet, or are you listening to what other people are interested in and basing your blog’s content around those needs? Having an understanding of your brand can be especially helpful with this part; it’s one thing to be an expert, but if you’re only telling people what to think when adding new content and not contributing to the conversation, consider your company blog as good as ignored.

Mistake 3: All talk, no fun

A blog should be something worth visiting each and every time someone visits your website. That means varying the content a little in terms of its tone or form. Instead of publishing a regular article, why not spice things up a little with a video or infographic instead that’s related to your company or industry? You could make it yourself (if you have the budget) or even share it if it’s from someone else…just remember to cite its original source properly. Sharing is caring, after all.

Mistake 4: You Don’t Have a Blog. Period.

Many companies nowadays have a blog on their website and for good reason: it provides a way to share content with their audience and engage with them, whether it’s posting an article on social media or sharing topics of a similar theme in a monthly newsletter, or even offering an ebook for sale. Not having a blog means you’re missing out on a lot of potential outreach that brings you to your audience on a personal level. So get going with having a blog if you don’t have one already!

Do you need help with your blog? Do you need one installed but have no idea where to start? Contact us at V3 Media and we can give you a free price quote. Whatever quote we come up with, it’s guaranteed to be based on your needs and yours alone.