Are you just starting out with your business? Have you taken a look at your budget in marketing and feel like it’s too much to pay for? Are you jealous of other companies’ success? Well, don’t be. Some of the best marketing strategies you can carry out for your business don’t require sacrificing your budget – most of them only require a few things, which are dedication, time, and commitment.
Here are some of the ways in which you can save money with your current or new marketing strategy.
Always Keeping Your Goals and Budget in Mind
Nothing can lose you money faster than having neither goals nor an exact budget in mind. This is the quintessential first step for anyone looking to update their marketing strategy. Don’t make the promise of offering a discount if you can’t really afford to provide one.
Scrapping Any Marketing Strategies that Aren’t Working
Is there a certain platform or marketing campaign that’s actually causing your company to lose money? If so, take another look at it – if there’s a certain aspect to your strategy that is not working or assisting in making your overall goals successful, take it out of the plan and try something else.
Signing up for Mailchimp for E-mail Marketing
E-mail is still as relevant to marketing campaigns as they were when they were first introduced. According to an article by Emarketer, approximately 80 to 81% of business owners say that e-mail marketing is what has driven the most customer retention and acquisition. Having an e-newsletter campaign, then, is not only a great way to promote your blog’s content but also it’s a way to keep your audience engaged at no cost. If you have under 2,000 subscribers to your Mailchimp account, it’s free to manage and use.
Being Active on Your Social Media Platforms
We really cannot stress enough how significant and useful social media is in terms of marketing strategies. While Facebook advertising has its place, and those do require payment, you can still post valuable content and engage with your audience on social media at no cost. Signing up with an account on all the major platforms is free, as is the distribution and curation of content on your business’s profile.
Connecting with Real People Offline
Online marketing is great – we’re not questioning that at all. But more often than not you’ll meet customers offline depending on your business’s brick and mortar location, or how big of a business yours is, and your offline audience matters just as much as your online one. Remember, even when they’re online, your customers are real human beings stumped on whether or not your service is what they’re looking for. Sometimes an offline connection may be just what they need to become more convinced your company is the best fit for them.
Switching Your Video Advertising to Online
Did you know that some of the best videos online are free of charge to view – and that that content costs less to put on a website than it would to film a commercial for TV? Video content is increasing in popularity, and it’s a powerful means of showing instead of just telling your website’s visitors who you are and what you can do for them. Try putting up a video on your about page where you talk to visitors directly – you never know if that’s the change your website needs. You can also put up videos of tutorials on how to use your product to its full potential, or film before and after results of your product or service used to really show customers and clients what makes you stand out from other businesses.
This is just a sample of many solutions to save money for your marketing. We don’t recommend cutting out the marketing budget entirely. Doing so will actually damage your opportunity to be found by the people you want to be found by. If you’re still struggling with your current marketing strategies or need to upgrade an aspect of it, contact us at V3 Media. Our price quotes are free of charge and we look at all aspects of where improvements can – and need to – be made for the sake of your future success.